Vitality and Sustainable Employment

We believe employability is essential in our industry in order to keep our employees vital, engaged and able to keep developing themselves. With the help of the ESF subsidy granted by the European Union, we further shaped and perpetuate this within our organization. We keep investing in Vitality and Sustainable Employment with guidance and advice from an expert coming from Durescom BV.

What are we going to do?

Among other things, we executed screenings and employability awareness group sessions. In order to create a culture where sustainable employability is a returning topic in the common dialogue. To achieve this, we opt an integrated approach where health, vitality and developmental needs of the individual are highly encouraged. All employees are involved in this process and are asked to provide input for these interventions and employability policy. With our managers we zoom in on recognizing signals such as; reduced employability, unwanted behavior and talent versus changing functions and teach them to anticipate this. We prepare our organization for change and facilitate our employees so that they can proactively guide their own career and employability now and in the future. We believe this will lead to happy and engaged employees and the best quality of service for our customers.

These projects are made possible by the social funds from European Union.

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